!! mov ,(float)999999999 movss xmm0, I hope this will help you. 999,999,999 float = 0x4E6E6B28 in HEX use this method it's easier maybe. !! mov edi,#990000 mov rsi,#9999 Now for float you can do this, look at Max Drift Points When Get (999,999,999) script you'll see this: mov ,4E6E6B28 movss xmm0, you see xmm0 register its for float yon can't use decimal values or you'll get wrong no. Start from there, use this method it's easier maybe. now take a look at XP script you'll see this: mov edi,3B9A0000 mov rsi,C9FF 999,999,999 decimal = 0x3B9AC9FF in HEX as you can see EDI= Currently XP RSI= Gained XP. Like this? 'forza_圆4_release_final.exe'+35E982: 41 BD FF C9 9A 3B - mov r13d,00989680 //noob in CH first open the table with cheat engine double click on any script you want to edit check if float value or decimal as for Max & Infinite Credite When Get/Spend (999,999,999) Script, it's the game max value not by me. In some multi-monitor setups, Forza Horizon 3 is locked at 30 FPS, whether V-Sync is on or off, and whether the Frame Rate setting is '30 FPS', or 'Unlocked (Variable)'.If you move your mouse to the bottom of the screen, the Windows task bar will unhide, and the FPS will rise above 30 FPS (e.g.